I Like People Who Smile With Their Eyes

A forced smile that deserves decency is stiff and always falls short of an honest smile. Much more muscles are used for the latter and you can see it in the eyes

I like people who smile with their eyes

I like people who go through their lives with a smile in their eyes, because this gesture reflects their inner being. You approach the world with positive energy, optimism and resilience.

These are personalities with charisma who practice humility through understanding and respect in their everyday life.

Certainly there is such a person in your social environment, someone who exudes enthusiasm and looks forward to life with a smile .

It is not always easy to maintain this optimism when the world is not playing along as we imagine. To do this, we have to accept our past and focus on the present and the future, on new hope.

Life means moving forward calmly and prudently. That is why the people who smile with their eyes give us a sense of wisdom that we trust. We should learn from them.

People who smile honestly


The smile is a gesture that is understood all over the world, regardless of language, religion or culture. No other gesture has such a great social and emotional impact.

If we take a closer look at what smiling actually is, we will find that you don’t just smile with your mouth.

  • Our eyes, our gaze are always a mirror of our feelings. In them lie our desires, our affection for others, our hopes.
  • We smile with our mouths and eyes, but also with our voices. If you want to convey trust, you should smile, because this simple, universal gesture brings us closer to our fellow human beings.
  • There are many scientific studies that investigate the positive effects of laughter on our health. Smiles and laughs also symbolize the result of our evolution as humans, the evolution of our brain, which identifies interpersonal relationships and links them with thoughts and memories.
  • Laughter helps …
    • relieve the stress.
    • to strengthen the immune system.
    • regulate blood pressure.
    • in pain relief because it releases endorphins.

People who hide their suffering when they smile


Sometimes the joy we share isn’t entirely honest, but that doesn’t have to mean we wish others bad things. Rather, behind such a forced gesture are our own worries, our own grief.

We arm ourselves against the world, protect our feelings that we do not want to make public.

Such a smile involves other, less muscles than an honest, spontaneous smile, which is also known as a Duchenne  .

This name goes back to the French physiologist Duchenne de Boulogne, who studied the muscular processes on which facial expressions are based.

  • For a real Duchenne , the zygomaticus mayor and menor muscles contract. The position of the cheeks is changed and more or less pronounced laugh lines appear around the eyes.
  • This is an involuntary gesture. In contrast, the fake smile is controlled by the cerebrum and consciously switched on and off. There are no “crow’s feet” around the eyes.

Of course, we know that not every gesture is real, many are made up and are used solely for manipulation and fraud.

While our intentions are not always so negative, we also make use of that fake smile when trying to conform and appear “normal”. We choose this mask consciously so as not to share our feelings with others.


If you want to know if someone is giving you an honest smile, all you have to do is look them in the eye. This is where his true feelings are reflected. A face may seem happy at first, but it hides an ocean of sadness and suffering.

We should always keep this simple wisdom in mind.

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