5 Recipes For Cleansing The Liver

A balanced, healthy diet is essential for cleansing the liver and preventing serious health problems. In addition, you can drink these juices!

5 recipes for cleansing the liver

The liver is responsible for vital functions, including detoxifying the body from pollutants that are ingested through food or the environment. Hence, cleaning the liver is very important.

While this organ can regenerate itself, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t care about its health!

On the contrary: you should take care of your liver with a healthy diet! 

You can also use various natural remedies to support its cleansing functions. Today we recommend different juices for cleansing the liver.

1. Juice with grapefruit, lemon and orange for cleansing the liver

Citrus fruits

The antioxidant properties of these citrus fruits are excellent  for removing pollutants and fat from the body,  thus supporting the functions of the darum and liver.

This can also strengthen the immune system, which of course also promotes general health.

The combination of these three types of fruit results in a delicious juice that helps cleanse the liver.


  • 2 oranges
  • 1 lemon
  • 2 grapefruit
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil (5 g)


  • Peel the fruit and then remove the seeds.
  • Then process all ingredients well in a stand mixer or blender. You can then add some water or ice cubes if you wish.
  • As soon as a homogeneous mixed drink is created, you can drink it!

This drink is best  recommended in the morning on an empty stomach. It should always be freshly prepared. If it’s too sour for you, you can add green vegetables to it.

2. Juice with beetroot and lemon

The beetroot is rich in antioxidants. The betaine it contains gives it its beautiful red color.

The beetroot supports the removal of heavy metals from the body. This can prevent various diseases, including liver cancer.

In combination with the positive properties of lemon, we get a very beneficial juice for cleansing the liver.


  • 1 large beetroot
  • Juice one large lemon or two small ones


  • Wash, peel and then cut the beetroot into pieces.
  • Squeeze the lemon to get the juice.
  • Then process everything with the stand mixer to a homogeneous mixed drink.

This juice is drunk immediately after preparation so that none of the positive properties are lost.

3. Juice with orange and ginger


This juice combines the antioxidant properties of orange with the anti-inflammatory properties of ginger. The sharp root also improves digestion!

This drink tastes very tasty and refreshing. You can use it to cleanse your liver and improve your general health.


  • 1 large or 2 small oranges
  • 1 teaspoon freshly grated ginger (5 g)


  • Peel the orange and then remove the stone.
  • Process both ingredients in the blender to make a homogeneous mixed drink.

It is recommended to drink this juice three evenings in a row. If you want even better results, drink it every evening for 7 days!

4. Smoothie with dandelion, apple, garlic, ginger and onion for cleansing the liver

This powerful smoothie is excellent for cleansing the liver and supporting its functions.

The dandelion contains enzymes that the liver needs to carry out its functions.

This drink has a diuretic effect, so you can also  use it to avoid fluid retention and prevent swelling in the abdominal area. It is therefore also recommended during menstruation.

In addition, it will give your skin a healthy glow! A real all-rounder!


  • 1 handful of fresh dandelions
  • 1 cup of water
  • 4 apples
  • 2 small cloves of garlic
  • 1 tablespoon of freshly grated ginger (10 g)
  • 1 slice of onion


  • Scald the dandelion with boiling water to make a tea.
  • Peel the apple and garlic and then cut them.
  • Process all ingredients in a stand mixer or blender to make a homogeneous mixed drink.
  • Enjoy this all-rounder!

5. Juice with grapefruit, ginger and garlic


The grapefruit is excellent for evacuating pollutants. Your liver loves this fruit!

Combined with ginger and garlic, you get a perfect drink for supporting liver health.


  • Juice of 2 grapefruits
  • Juice of 4 lemons
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 slice of ginger
  • 1 ½ glasses of water (300 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil (32 g)


  • Squeeze grapefruit and lemons to get their juice.
  • Then grate the ginger.
  • Then process all ingredients well in the blender.

    Cleansing the liver doesn’t have to be expensive or difficult

    All of these juices are wonderful for liver cleansing.

    Remember, however, that no extreme is good, so it is advisable to drink these juices in the evening for 3 days or  a maximum of 7 consecutive days  and then take a break.

    If you often experience symptoms in the liver area, you should definitely schedule a doctor’s appointment to make a diagnosis and also have regular routine examinations.

    You should of course also  pay attention to a healthy diet,  because the juices alone are not enough.

    Cover picture kindly provided by © wikiHow.com

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