Expectorant Syrup With Carrots And Honey

This syrup is also tasty for children and can help with a cold.

Expectorant syrup with carrot and honey

A syrup with  carrot and honey can loosen the stuck mucus. This natural remedy only needs two ingredients and works according to old tradition. If the mucus is too tight and cannot be coughed up, for example, you should consult a doctor.

Syrup with natural ingredients

Grandma still knew the recipe for the syrup , which nowadays fewer and fewer people make it themselves and instead swallow cough suppressants or expectorants with sometimes severe side effects from the pharmacy.

Why actually? Cough syrup from the pharmacy is much more expensive and not even more effective than grandma’s home remedies!

Before you start preparing the cough syrup, you should make sure that your cough is only a symptom of a cold and that it does not hide a worse respiratory illness.

If you have a fever in addition to your cough , you have to see a doctor!

If your cough is just normal cold symptoms, our cough syrup is an excellent help. This is mainly due to the honey:



Honey has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties and is not only a good remedy for coughs.

Due to the antibiotic effect of honey, it is advisable to let a teaspoon of honey melt in your mouth several times a day if you have a sore throat, sore throat or inflamed and irritated gums.

In a double-blind study with children it was found that honey works better against coughs than cough syrup from the pharmacy.

The children in the test series suffered fewer coughing attacks at night than the children in the comparison group who had received a drug or no drug at all.

A hot lemon with a thick tablespoon full of honey is effective against coughs and saves money on expensive medication!



Many traditional recipes of syrup for coughs or stuck phlegm use onion. This is effective due to its sulfur compounds, but of course also ensures a taste that is not very popular with children in particular.

So you can try making the syrup with carrots instead of onions so your kids will like it too.

Carrots are rich in vitamins, which are particularly helpful when the body and its immune system are already weakened by an infection such as a cold or cough.

There are also plenty of minerals in carrots, which are also important for strengthening the body and replenishing electrolytes lost through febrile sweating.

100g carrots contain around 35mg calcium, 3.86mg iron, 13mg magnesium and 328mg potassium!


Recipe for the expectorant syrup

You should always prepare the syrup fresh. During the processing, oxygen and UV light reach the carrots, which leads to a breakdown of the vitamins.

The longer you keep the syrup after it has been made, the fewer vitamins it contains. It’s best to prepare it fresh every day. You only need two ingredients:

  • 100g carrots
  • 30g honey (about two large tablespoons)

The easiest way to make the syrup is to juice the carrots. If you have a juicer, just stock up on carrot juice.

Freeze it in the ice cube tray so that you always have fresh carrot juice that is bulging with all the vitamins.

If you don’t have a juicer, there might be a powerful blender or hand blender with a sharp knife in the kitchen. You can use this to make carrot pulp that you can use for the syrup.

If you don’t have any of these devices, try to grate the carrot as finely as possible on a kitchen grater.

Mix the self-juiced carrot juice, the carrot puree or the fine carrot snippets with the honey to make a homogeneous syrup.

If you add a splash of lemon juice, the syrup will also keep its bright orange color and look more appetizing.

Consume spoon by spoon throughout the day and drink a lot to loosen the phlegm. The best home remedies are of no use if the body does not have enough fluids.

Let the syrup taste good to you – or your children. And get well soon!

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