Are You Having Trouble Showing Your Partner Your Love?

If you find it difficult to express your love to your partner, it may be time to look inside yourself for the reason. It is probably related to previous experiences.

Are you struggling to show your love to your partner?

Showing the  love  we feel for someone can be quite difficult at times. This can lead to problems in relationships.

Because we also like to hear words that confirm our partner’s love for us. That gives us a good feeling and security. Actions alone are not always enough.

But what weight do words have for us? Why is it sometimes not enough to express love in action?

Why it’s hard to show love

There are several reasons why it is sometimes difficult to express our love.

To uncover them we have to look back to childhood. Because it is during this phase that many of the problems that burden us as adults arise.

As children we learn to show love

You can find some of the reasons here:

  • The words to express love are not known to you.
  • You are afraid of bonds.
  • You have had bad experiences with love in the past.
  • You have alexithymia.

Except for the last reason, all of these examples are based on experiences or situations that shape your relationships to this day.

For example, if your parents never used words to express their love, it’s not surprising that you struggle with that.

On the other hand, if you have had bad and painful experiences, or if romantic relationships are painful for you, it may have led to attachment anxiety.

But even if these experiences shape you, you can still act consciously within your relationship. You are an adult and responsible for what you do. When you realize this, you can learn to show your love for your partner .

The last case, alexithymia, is a rather rare disorder. If you cannot express your love because you have this neurological disorder, you should seek professional help.

Your partner can help you

Perhaps you have had painful experiences because you cannot express your love. In this case, your partner plays an important role in helping you.

Partner helps show love

It’s normal to blame yourself for not being able to tell your partner how you are feeling. You think maybe that’s why he’s mad at you. But that doesn’t help you.

This is why it is important for couples to realize that there are some important tasks to complete. There is help for those who cannot express their feelings.

You should keep the following points in mind:

  • Talk to your partner lovingly. Never use anger to achieve something for him that is not easy for him.
  • Create a comfortable, quiet environment where both of you feel comfortable. So you can talk relaxed about emotional topics.
  • Be empathetic and patient. It may be very difficult for your partner to talk about feelings. Put yourself in his shoes.

The good thing about this situation isn’t just that you can help one another. You can also learn from each other.

You will learn a lot about how you deal with and express your feelings yourself.

Showing love takes time

Leave the past behind

Even if your partner is of great help to you, it is still important that you seek professional help. A therapist can show you ways to better deal with your problem.

Letting go of the hurts from the past is never easy. But if you fail to heal your emotional wounds, you will have difficulty showing your love in the future as well.

Still, we need to ask ourselves what importance we attach to the words of love our partner says to us.

Kissing helps show love

Perhaps he shows love more through actions than words. However, we are trained to trust words more than deeds.

We should remember that there are many relationships in which love is constantly spoken of. But sometimes the reality is very different.

Ask yourself: what is more important to you?

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