10 Areas Of Your Body That Are Influenced By Stress

Too much stress makes you sick and can affect your body in many ways

10 areas of your body that are affected by stress

Sometimes it is difficult to find your balance and the stress takes over. It threatens to rule your life – and to worsen your health through stress.

Here we show you how stress attacks your body and why you should really do something to deal with stress and cope better with it. We’ll show you how it harms you and your health based on 10 areas of the body.

Back pain


Statistically, in 85% of all back pain cases, no specific medical cause can be found. Such problems are then caused “only” by tension, psychological problems and nervous overload.

If this disappears and the patient has some time to relax again, the back pain usually also disappears. The cause? No herniated disc, no spinal problems.



The skin as our largest organ can make emotional and psychological conflicts visible that we cannot or do not want to process.

A very simple example of this is “pale with shock”. Stress hormones are formed that weaken the immune system. As a result, for example, the smallest injuries to the skin or pimples can become inflamed faster and larger.

It can trigger or worsen skin diseases such as psoriasis, shingles, hives and more. The proportion of psychological reasons for skin diseases is between 30 and 60%, depending on the study!



We automatically tense our muscles, unconsciously pull our shoulders up, then tense up slightly without being aware of it. If you can deal with stress well, you relax yourself and your body again.

Anyone who has not learned to process everything correctly does not release himself from the unconscious tension and tension.

This creates, among other things, bad posture, relieving posture – and other tension. And the muscles that are tense over a longer period of time then react with pain.



Severe emotional stress, such as lovesickness, can lead to serious heart dysfunction. This is also called “broken heart syndrome” and  stress cardiomyopathy.

In broken heart syndrome , the stressful situation causes the body to release an overdose of adrenaline and other stress hormones. This causes the coronary arteries to constrict and the blood no longer circulates properly.

immune system

Immune system weakened by stress

For the body, stress means an alarm state in which stress hormones are released. Brief stress does not immediately weaken the immune system.

However, if it lasts for a long time and if more stress hormones are released over a period of several days, the immune system is weakened and diseases have an easier game with us.

If it is unavoidable, make sure in stressful times that you observe all hygiene rules, for example wash your hands often so as not to pose too great a task for your immune system.


Digestive system

“That hits me on the stomach” or “listen to my gut feeling” are two expressions that show how closely the stomach and psyche are then linked. Many digestive problems such as heartburn, gas and diarrhea are caused by stress.

For example, it can prevent your esophagus from closing properly and stomach acid rising up. Even those who do not chew properly and thoroughly or swallow air while eating hastily can cause flatulence through stress.



Those who are under stress suffer from loss of concentration, become impatient and then nervous. This is due to the complex interplay of hormones and the growth and interlinking of brain cells.

Brain structures change – in a negative sense, as areas of the brain that are important for emotions become smaller.



Many do not know and only find out when damage has already occurred: Many people then unconsciously reduce stress at night through grinding their teeth .

Rubbing teeth against each other while sleeping leads to excessive wear on the chewing surfaces and damage to tooth enamel. Toothache and sensitivity to hot, cold, sweet or sour foods can be the result. A grinding splint prevents this.

a headache


Headaches are known side effects. They are usually caused by tense back and neck muscles, a lack of sleep or too little drinking.

It is important to always drink enough, even in stressful situations, and then at least allow the body to take a break while sleeping.


Visual disturbances can occur, such as flickering, blurred vision or harmless eyelid twitching.

Persistent visual disturbances or “ash rain” in front of the eyes can be a serious problem, such as retinal detachment, and you have to see a doctor as soon as possible! It’s about your eyesight!

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