5 Psychological Characteristics Of Submissive People

Submissive people usually carry a heavy burden with them that has shaped them as they are in order not to attract attention and no longer suffer. 

5 psychological traits of submissive people

Do you know the characteristics of submissive people? Submissive people never raise their voices, they always stay in the background and willingly perform the tasks that authoritarian people ask of them.

Sometimes this behavior can lead to toxic relationships in which one of the partners suffers and is exploited. But it is very difficult to change that nature.

Affected people have had experiences and carry loads on their backs that have made them the way they are.

This does not mean that they do not want to change,  but that they have adopted certain psychological characteristics that they can not easily shed.

Then we will go into more detail on this topic.

1. Characteristics of submissive people : They cannot assert themselves

happy couple

Submissive people never put their own needs and desires first. You always think first of what others need and would like to have.

Since they cannot assert themselves, they always play a supporting role. They have great difficulty communicating their own point of view and their opinions to others.

They would like to do that, but they are shy and ashamed and therefore do without it.

They think that their opinion does not come into play either way. They doubt their views and points of view and often think that they are in truth nonsensical.

2. Characteristics of submissive people: Their past hides great pain

Submissive people may not have been born this way. Life experiences shaped and shaped them and gradually they locked themselves in.

Perhaps they had a difficult childhood with an unhealthy relationship with their parents. You may have suffered from bulling or other things during puberty. These things could have led her to take on a submissive role.

Low self-esteem and insecurity  make people feel useless if they are not available to others and submit to them.

This is not the basis for a healthy relationship, because submissive people are very vulnerable and dependent on the will of other people.

3. Characteristics of submissive people: They avoid conflict whenever possible

Man screams

Submissive people avoid conflict whenever possible. In these situations, they get nervous, perhaps because they remember past experiences.

The problem with this is  that those who always avoid conflict often have to bow their heads and accept things  instead of achieving what they deserve.

Affected people become very concerned about trying to avoid trouble, trouble, or argument. This wears them down and frustrates them over time.

4. You don’t want to attract attention

Some may mistake this trait for shyness. In truth, it’s all about not attracting attention and always staying in the background.

Submissive people  are terribly worried about what others might think of them. That is why they always dress and behave very discreetly.

In this way you can avoid having to endure shameful or humiliating situations. With this strategy they also try to avoid conflicts.

5. Characteristics of submissive people: tendency to become emotionally dependent


Submissive people think so much of others and are so vulnerable themselves that they need someone to protect them.

Because of this, it is very common  for them to get caught up in a dependent relationship. Only the partner gives their life meaning  and takes over the function of the protector.

This is also the case in abusive relationships. Even if the partner abuses the affected person, she is happy to have at least someone by her side.

This attitude leads to great suffering and tragedy within a relationship.

Do you know a submissive person? Have you already experienced this situation yourself?

It is possible to escape from this situation, but it takes a lot of strength and one needs to be aware of what exactly is going on.

You can learn to assert yourself better, you can improve your self-esteem, become  more secure, and value yourself.

Submissive people suffer greatly because of their psychological properties. Their behavior attracts aggressive people who try to hurt them. You need to start appreciating and loving yourself as you deserve it.

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