Sometimes It Is Not Love That Is Finite, But Patience

Sometimes it is time to learn to appreciate ourselves and end those relationships that are not good for us, that prevent us from growing and therefore only restrict

Sometimes it is not love that is finite, but patience

It doesn’t matter how much you love someone, how much time you’ve spent with them, or whether you’ve made plans for the future together. Sometimes love is not enough to build a happy relationship. Also,  patience  and other conditions are basic.

When there is no respect, understanding, or reciprocity in the relationship, patience eventually ends . There is no doubt that we have all found ourselves in such a situation without further patience and have therefore experienced great pain and suffered greatly.

Farewells are very meaningful and some take our breath away with pain, but we still have to take them, learn from the past and look into the future.

When patience comes to an end, you don’t feel like it anymore and your dreams burst like soap bubbles, then action must be taken if you don’t want to run the risk of losing yourself in this empty space out of frustration and low self-esteem.

This danger is not worth the price. Today we invite you to reflect on the need to say goodbye.

I say goodbye to you because my patience has expired

Woman waits with patience

Some may make the mistake of believing the fairy tale of relationships that last forever and never change.

To a certain point, belief in one’s own relationship is of course necessary; we identify with ourselves and our partner, we feel a responsibility towards the partnership.

Nevertheless, a relationship must be based on mutual recognition, respect and love at all times.

When we start a new relationship, we build innumerable castles in our minds, indulging in hopes and dreams – and hopefully we can still dream when the relationship is no longer so young.

We have to be careful, however , that we do not simultaneously create a parallel world that only exists in our head and in which partners and relationships are flawless.

Neither one nor the other will always be able to meet our expectations.

It is therefore necessary to analyze your own relationship from time to time with a certain, healthy distance and to ask yourself whether the most important pillars for mutual happiness are still on solid foundations.

Live in the here and now and take care of your happiness from now on

Almost regardless of the cultural area in which we grew up, ideals and values ​​were imparted to us in childhood that are not always applicable and are often idealized.

Love, for example, does not mean holding out until the end, even if the relationship no longer fulfills us. We should never allow certain things to happen, not even out of consideration for our partner.

  • Live in the here and now. If you are happy now, right now, you have hopes and dreams, and your heart is filled with an honest, satisfying sense of joy, then everything is going well.
  • On the other hand, if you encounter fear and worry inside yourself, think again about your relationship. Tears rarely mean love unless they are tears of happiness. Who loves you will make you happy. Listen to your heart.

    Patience is finite: it ends with your self-esteem

    We can no longer trace when the first changes took place, but we notice that we give in inch by inch and develop into someone in whom we no longer recognize ourselves.

    • You can forgive today and forgive tomorrow. Forgiveness is positive when there is honest and mutual repentance. However, awards are not available indefinitely.
    • Every time we give in an inch, we lose a piece of ourselves. If you give up your hobby, quit your job or break up with certain people because your partner is jealous, then with each of these actions you give a part from you up.
    • Our patience is finite and its expiration date is part of our integrity. The moment you realize that you have given too much and rarely got anything in return, you should think carefully about your situation. Maybe it’s time to change something, to make a decision.

      Farewells also mean new opportunities to grow

      To say goodbye to a person means to say goodbye to a part of our life, habits, everyday life, but above all the company of a person who until not so long ago was just as important to us as the air we breathe.

      In the presence of this person, however, we may get to a point where we lack air to breathe and although we still feel love, we find that we are suffering, disappointed and our mental and physical health is suffering as a result. This is dangerous.


      It is necessary to understand that goodbyes are part of life. Life happens in cycles, with changes that complete one cycle and begin a new one. And every change needs:

      • Bravery. Knowing how to say goodbye means being able to end relationships for good. It takes courage.
      • Self-knowledge: We all know what our personal limits are and what values ​​they are based on. They mark a limit that must not be exceeded if our self-esteem is not to suffer.
      • Learning Ability : Any relationship that breaks up teaches us something and we shouldn’t bury it in dark oblivion and just look back on it with displeasure, but accept what happened and do better in the future.
      • Farewell without hate: If we end a relationship because our patience has run out, it should be done without resentment and hate. Every negative emotion makes us our own prisoner. Let go, get free, and move lightly towards the future.

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