3 Effective Treatments For Tartar

With tartar, the first route should always be to the dentist, who can make the correct diagnosis and professional teeth cleaning. Various home remedies are also helpful in combating tartar. 

3 effective treatments for tartar

Tartar can have serious consequences if it is not removed in a timely manner. It damages the teeth supporting structures and increases the risk of infections. But what can you  do about tartar  ?

Tartar is stubborn: neither regular brushing of your teeth nor mouthwashes will help if the deposits have already solidified. It is not just a visual problem,  bad breath and tooth decay can also arise as a result. 

Regular visits to the dentist are therefore essential in order to prevent undesirable consequences. Have tartar removed at regular intervals, as this can prevent unpleasant ailments and diseases.

Today’s post is about symptoms and home remedies  for tartar that  may be useful on top of dental treatment. 

What is tartar?

What to do against tartar

Tartar is a yellowish layer of bacteria, food residues and minerals that gradually adhere to the surface of the tooth.

It’s a hard, uneven layer that damages tooth enamel and stains it. This not only affects the appearance of the teeth, it  also increases the risk of infection, as pathogens multiply on the tooth surfaces. 

The following complaints often arise as a result:

  • Caries
  • Inflammation of the gums
  • Bad breath
  • Periodontal disease
  • Tooth loss


The oral cavity is colonized by a large number of germs that are part of the healthy oral flora. However, poor hygiene promotes plaque on the teeth. After just four hours, bacteria can adhere to the tooth surface and form a thin layer.

Over time, the dental plaque changes the surface of the tooth, because  the bacteria multiply continuously in the mouth, especially when food residues are left behind. The layer on the teeth slowly becomes harder and so tartar is formed.

  • Tartar is noticeable through yellowish or brownish discolouration, mostly on the inside of the incisors and on the edges of the gums.
  • Often there is bad breath and swelling at the same time.

Home remedies for tartar

Regular dental check-ups and careful oral hygiene are essential. In addition, various home remedies can be beneficial to prevent tartar build-up and protect dental health. 

1. Baking soda and coconut oil

Soda and coconut oil against tartar

The combination of baking soda and coconut oil has an antimicrobial effect and is therefore very popular for additional oral hygiene. You can use it to remove leftover food and get whiter, healthier teeth. Don’t use this home remedy too often, however!


  • ½ teaspoon baking soda (2 g)
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil (15 g)
  • 3 drops of mint essential oil


  • Mix all ingredients well until a homogeneous paste is formed.


  • Put a small amount on the toothbrush and use like toothpaste.
  • Use this home remedy once a day for a week.

2. Brewer’s yeast against tartar

Brewer's yeast against tartar

The composition of brewer’s yeast is also very helpful because it  can change the environment in which the bacteria feel comfortable. In combination with a little salt, you can use it to soften deposits on the teeth.


  • 1 tablespoon of brewer’s yeast (15 g)
  • ½ teaspoon salt (2 g)
  • Water (as much as necessary)


  • Mix all ingredients together until a creamy paste is formed.


    • Rub this home remedy on your teeth with a toothbrush.
    • Use this mixture twice a day for a week.

    3. Activated charcoal against tartar

    Activated charcoal against tartar

    Despite its black color, activated charcoal is one of the best natural remedies for yellowing stains on teeth.

    This can loosen dental plaque. At the same time, you can prevent bacterial infections.


    • 1 capsule of activated charcoal
    • 2 tablespoons of water (30 ml)


    • Mix the activated charcoal with water until a thick paste is formed.


    • Rub this mixture onto your teeth with a toothbrush.
    • Let it work for 3-5 minutes, then rinse your mouth with plenty of water.
    • Use this home remedy 2 to 3 times a week.

    Note: You have to use organic activated carbon, not a product made from petroleum derivatives!

    If your teeth feel rough and dirty after brushing your teeth, we recommend trying these home remedies!

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