Everyday Tips For A Firm Bottom

A beautiful bottom is not only determined by your genes, a lot is up to you!

Everyday tips for a firm bottom

Especially in summer, when the bikini becomes almost an everyday dress, the beach holiday promises plenty of sun and the view glides into the mirror, it often becomes clear: not every bottom is really what you want it to be! But not everything is a question of genetics either! What to do for a  firm bottom ?

A firm bottom only through “good genes”?

Many women, whose buttocks are a bit too flat, wide, small or otherwise unsightly in their eyes, often squint enviously at the firm buttocks of other women.

And then calm down with the false assumption that a beautiful bottom can only be achieved with the right genes anyway. But that’s only half the story.

Of course, there are women who do not have to do anything for their “cracking ass”, whose beautiful buttocks were born as a gift from nature.

But even those who have experienced less advantageous genes in their life can do something to turn a flat bottom into a nice round bottom – which many will again believe is genetic.

It’s like being overweight: of course genes always play a role, but it’s always up to you what you make of it! Because you still eat yourself – and you train your gluteal muscles yourself – and not your genes!










Our buttocks, a set of muscles

What should shape our buttocks to be crisp and round are ultimately the muscles that are in them. These are:

  • The gluteus muscle is the main cause of a shapely butt because it sits just below the surface.
  • The small gluteal muscle is at the very bottom and can help to round the hips tightly and to avoid fat deposits.
  • The middle gluteal muscle forms the upper part of a beautiful buttock.

All three muscles together ensure that the shape of your buttocks changes. So it makes no sense to only train one muscle alone, only the interaction of all three gluteal muscles brings the good result!

Butt training in everyday life for a firm bottom

We know that your day is full, that you are constantly energized and that you often do not know where your head is. And we also know that your consistency in doing specific gymnastics for your butt isn’t exactly the best either.

But there are little tricks that you can use in everyday life to train your buttocks on the side and to strengthen the muscles.

To run

Take great strides

In principle, try to do most of your everyday life on foot. Firstly, this ensures additional calories burned, strengthens the muscles of the entire body and also supports your gluteal muscles – if you only take big steps!

If you also tense the buttocks muscles, every step is a little mini workout for a firm butt!

Climb stairs

climb stairs

Old hat? Avoiding the elevator is an effective way of strengthening your cardiovascular system and exercising your leg muscles. And with a few modifications, stairs are an ideal training device!

If you have been walking faster and faster up the stairs for a few weeks, you are fit enough for the increase: always take two steps at once, alternating between slow and fast steps.

Take two steps to the right, two steps to the left and then take two steps per side very slowly and feel the tension. Everyday life enhancement: with shopping bags, beverage crates or a child on your back!


Pinch your bottom

Admittedly, this trick is better in public in winter, when your bottom is hidden under a coat or thick winter sweater. At home, however, you can do this exercise as often and for as long as you like!

When you brush your teeth, make a phone call, cut vegetables, cook, wash your hands … there are so many everyday situations in which you can incorporate a little exercise for your buttocks!

While standing, pinch your two buttocks firmly together and keep the tension. Don’t forget to breathe and keep yourself and your back straight. Release tension and squeeze again. Make up your own rules: pinch once per peeled potato or something similar!

firm buttocks

Weight reduction

Of course, just the mentioned everyday exercises alone do not lead to the desired “crack butt” immediately.

If your buttocks are well padded with fat pads, nobody will be able to see your strengthened muscles! So at the same time make sure that you lose fat with a healthy, balanced and low-fat diet.

The less fat there is over your muscles, the more the strengthened muscles can take over the shaping.

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