Diet For High Cholesterol Levels

A healthy, varied diet is essential for people with high cholesterol levels. But what are the key factors to consider? Today we have some helpful recommendations for everyone concerned.

Diet for high cholesterol levels

Cholesterol is present in all cells of our organism and is essential for a large number of physiological processes. But too much of a good thing is known to be harmful and this is also the case here. But do you know what your diet should look like if your  cholesterol level is high  ?

Hypercholesterolemia doubles the risk of a heart attack or stroke. It is therefore essential to change your diet accordingly. It must also be taken into account that around 90% of the cholesterol in the blood does not come from the food we eat, but is produced by the body itself. Today you will find out what role the cholesterol that we ingest through our diet plays in this.

The Spanish Society of Cardiology “Sociedad Española de Cardiología” states that “80% of people with hypercholesterolemia at high cardiovascular risk do not control their cholesterol levels”. Therefore, today we are looking into the question of what the diet should look like if the cholesterol level is too high. The key lies in endogenous synthesis. Find out more about it today.

Diet for high cholesterol levels

Do not eliminate cholesterol from your diet

You read that right. It’s not about cutting out all foods with cholesterol. Our  organism regulates the cholesterol level through the mechanism of negative feedback. In plain English, this means that it then produces less cholesterol when there is a lot. But the endogenous (endogenous) production can only be stopped if more cholesterol is absorbed through the diet.

When the consumption of cholesterol is very low,  a number of processes are activated in the organism that stimulate endogenous production. But you still have to be very careful when choosing foods, as there are many that are harmful for other reasons. In this sense, chicken eggs, for example, can be a good alternative.

If you have high cholesterol, consume omega-3 and omega-9 foods

If you have high cholesterol, consume omega-3 and omega-9 foods
Eating foods rich in omega 3 can help control cholesterol levels.

Omega 3 and Omega 9 inhibit the production of cholesterol. In addition, the omega-3 fatty acids reduce the synthesis of the proteins that transport cholesterol to the arteries. But that’s not all: it also helps to remove plaque that has already formed. Incidentally, you can easily take Omega 9 over olive oil.

However, omega 3 oxidizes when it is warm, so it is very difficult to get enough of it through your diet. This can only be guaranteed with an appropriate dietary supplement. However, choose a high-quality product that can be easily absorbed by the body and contains as few harmful substances as possible.

Cut back on carbohydrates with a high glycemic index

Insulin is able to activate the mechanisms necessary for increased cholesterol synthesis. It is therefore essential  to avoid consuming foods that promote insulin production. So you should avoid carbohydrates with a high glycemic index.

Consume foods that are capable of increasing HDL levels

Avocado for high cholesterol levels
By eating foods that increase HDL levels, you can prevent cholesterol from building up in the blood vessels.

HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) is mistakenly called “good cholesterol”. But actually it is a transport molecule for cholesterol in the blood, which however is called “HDL cholesterol” in a blood analysis. 

Its function is fundamental to maintaining healthy cholesterol levels. Because it is responsible for transporting the cholesterol from the body cells to the liver, where it is broken down. In addition, HDL can remove excess cholesterol that has been stored in the vessel walls. This is why  it is important to consume more foods that improve HDL levels. 

Prebiotics for high cholesterol levels

The Lactobacillus reuteri has been shown to be very effective in hypercholesterolemia,  because then more bile salts are excreted in the intestine. As a result, the organism needs more cholesterol to form new salts. As a result, the cholesterol level in the blood can be lowered.

For prebiotics to work effectively, they should contain at least 10 × 6 UFCs of human origin and be active in the gut.

So it is important not to rule out cholesterol in your diet because the key is in endogenous synthesis. You should therefore avoid foods that stimulate cholesterol production and include more foods in your diet that promote the transport of cholesterol to the liver or its elimination.

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