Tips For A Harmonious Bedroom

Would you like to add some color to your room? Then choose a plant. Bow hemp converts carbon dioxide into oxygen.

Tips for a harmonious bedroom

A restful night’s sleep enables our organism to draw new strength and to regenerate. Eating healthy, exercising regularly, and avoiding stress can all help. And a harmonious bedroom ?

But a  harmonious bedroom is also very important for pleasant relaxation. In this post you will learn how you can design a harmonious bedroom. Fresh, pure, radiation-free air will help you recover better while you sleep.

Fresh air

Indoor plants are a natural and inexpensive way to keep the air clean in the bedroom. But it shouldn’t be just any plant.

For the bedroom  we recommend bow hemp (Sansevieria), a plant that converts carbon dioxide into oxygen at night.

Decorate your bedroom with two large plants, these not only filter the air, they also bring a little green into the room, this color then has a harmonizing effect.


A harmonious bedroom: simplicity

Our home is a mirror of our inner life. The bedroom, the place of rest and relaxation that we usually share with our partner, should  radiate clarity and simplicity. 

Don’t overload it with unnecessary furniture or objects. Try to set up only the bare minimums and a few decorative objects and also include empty rooms. The bedroom should always be tidy and tidy.

The lighting

The bedroom should have natural light, but  this is not always possible and sometimes the rooms are very shady.

In this case you can help with warming lighting: You can use, for example, Himalayan salt lamps, which emit a relaxing, orange-colored light. They also help to neutralize electromagnetic radiation.

A harmonious bedroom: good ventilation

To prevent the accumulation of dust mites and to refresh the air, you should ventilate the bedroom well every day.

If possible, exposure to direct sunlight is excellent, especially in the areas where heat and moisture accumulate most: bed linen, blankets, curtains, pillows, carpets, etc.

If it’s warm outside and you live in a quiet area with little light,  you can leave the windows open at night.

To protect against mosquitoes, you can use a mosquito net or close the blinds and curtains. With the window open, the air is constantly renewed and you will have an excellent rest.


What does it smell like in the bedroom?

You shouldn’t ignore this aspect either. A clean bedroom shouldn’t smell of anything, but moisture or smells from outside can affect the ambience. Maybe you just want a special room fragrance to make you feel good.

You can use incense sticks, Armenian paper (Papier d’Arménie), incense cones, conventional room fragrances or essential oils. We particularly recommend the following fragrances:

  • Lemon:  purifies and disinfects the air
  • Mint:  has a refreshing effect
  • Ginger: has a warming effect
  • Cinnamon:  stimulating
  • Rose:  for sweet, romantic rooms
  • Eucalyptus:  for clean air and against respiratory problems
  • Citrus oils  (lemon, orange, tangerine): for a better state of mind and against depression

Be careful with mirrors

In the Chinese Feng Shui teachings, mirrors in the bedroom are not advised. These change the energies that enable us to rest and relax. You can then simply cover an existing mirror at night.

For a few nights, see if you notice any difference for yourself, especially if you have insomnia. However, mirrors are best in other rooms where they can be very beneficial.

Orientation of the bed to the north

It is recommended that the head of the bed face north. If this is impossible, look for another location,  never facing south, as this would be the worst option.

Images provided by Chit’s Run, double exposure and caribb

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