Tips For Sciatica Pain

Did you know that turmeric can help with sciatic pain? Because this spice is anti-inflammatory, it can bring relief both as a tea and as a poultice.

Tips against sciatica pain

When the sciatic nerve becomes inflamed, there is sometimes very severe pain, which often radiates to the ankles. What can  help against sciatica pain ?

Various anti-rheumatic , analgesic herbs, which can be used in the form of teas or compresses, can be used to support the treatment of sciatic pain.

Symptoms of Sciatica

  • Severe pain from the thighs, often to the ankles.
  • Difficulty performing various movements (for example, turning over in bed).
  • If you stand for a long time, the pain intensifies and becomes unbearable.
  • If the inflammation is very severe, unbearable pain occurs in all positions.
  • Those affected feel powerless and incapable due to the severe pain.

Herbal teas for sciatic pain


Turmeric tea

Turmeric is excellent for sciatica pain due to its strong anti-inflammatory properties. A few twigs are used to make tea, of which three to four cups are drunk daily.

Mixed herbal tea


  • yarrow
  • Wild forget-me-not
  • marjoram
  • Holder flowers
  • dandelion


Crush 10 g of each of the dried herbs and mix well. Then scald a tablespoon of this mixture with a cup of water. Cover and let steep for five minutes. Two cups of this tea per day are then  recommended.

Carrot and parsley juice

carrot and apple juice

This juice is also very effective for sciatica problems. To do this, just make a few carrots with a little parsley into juice and then drink a glass a day.

The time of day can be chosen by yourself. It is also recommended to drink a clove of garlic with a glass of pineapple juice on an empty stomach. Do not use any sweetener for this.

Food supplements for sciatica pain


Quercetin is a bioflavonoid found in fruits and vegetables,  especially onions and apples. It is a valuable antioxidant that then protects the cells from free radicals.


This enzyme is mainly found in pineapples. It has a strong anti-inflammatory effect and therefore also helps with sciatic pain.

Spirulina alga

This alga contains numerous vitamins and minerals  with the ability to nourish the nervous system and cleanse the organism of fats and pollutants.

Compresses for sciatic pain

  • Applying green clay on the affected area can reduce the inflammation and then reduce the pain. The clay is then applied  with a gentle massage.
  • A compress of ground ginger with a tablespoon of olive oil can also be very effective. Also apply with a gentle massage. It is advisable to use these compresses several times a day.

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