What Happens If You Eat Two Bananas A Day?

Bananas are among the world’s most popular and most consumed fruits. Not only do they taste delicious, they also have many benefits for the organism. We invite you to try out the positive changes you will feel when you eat two bananas every day. 

What happens if you eat two bananas a day?

Bananas don’t just taste great. They also have numerous health benefits. Today we explain to you what happens if you eat two bananas a  day  . But it’s best to try it out yourself. You will see that this improves various health aspects.

Regulation of blood pressure

Bananas are excellent for keeping blood pressure balanced. Because they contain around 420 g of potassium. This mineral neutralizes sodium, which among other things leads to high blood pressure.

Against obesity

You can also fight obesity with two bananas a day. Because these delicious fruits contain an abundance of fiber. And these will keep you full for a long time. 

two bananas a day

Bananas are also characterized by resistant starch that digestive enzymes cannot break down. That is why it acts like fiber. This can reduce your appetite and prevent obesity.

Resistant starch also lowers blood sugar levels. At the same time, it improves insulin sensitivity, which is very important. Because then the body cells absorb glucose better. This can prevent hunger pangs and the accumulation of fat.

Reduces the risk of anemia

Two bananas a day can reduce the risk of anemia. This is often caused by a lack of iron and leads to severe fatigue. There are too few red blood cells and too little hemoglobin.

Bananas are high in iron, which promotes red blood cell production. In addition, they provide you with vitamin B6, which regulates blood sugar levels.

Two bananas a day improve digestion

Ripe bananas promote healthy digestion. They are digested easily and quickly without burdening or irritating the digestive tract.

Man knows two bananas are good for you

As mentioned earlier, bananas are characterized by resistant starch that is not digested. As such, it reaches the large intestine, where it promotes the growth of healthy intestinal bacteria. That is why two bananas a day are excellent for those suffering from gastritis or heartburn.

Even after diarrhea include bananas of great benefit. Because with it the mineral depot can be filled again. 

2 bananas a day reduce stress

Bananas are excellent for relieving stress and improving your state of mind. Because they contain tryptophan, a substance that is necessary to produce serotonin. This substance is also known as the happiness hormone.

In addition, bananas have a high magnesium content (around 27 mg). This mineral improves the quality of sleep and also the state of mind.

Excellent supplier of vitamins

Bananas are rich in vitamin B6:  they contain 20% of the recommended daily requirement of this vitamin. This stimulates the production of insulin and the formation of hemoglobin and important amino acids.

two bananas a day keep you healthy

Bananas also contain a relatively high amount of vitamin C, around 15% of the recommended daily allowance. It is an important antioxidant that fights free radicals. These have a harmful effect on the cells.

The vitamin C in bananas helps the organism to keep blood vessels healthy. It’s also important for collagen production.

Much energy!

The potassium contained in the banana protects against muscle cramps. The carbohydrates provide the organism with energy and make training easier.

Recommendations to consider

When buying bananas, you should consider ripeness. Because the nutritional properties also depend on it. Green bananas are mostly made from starch. 

2 bananas daily

As mentioned earlier, this polysaccharide made from glucose molecules provides energy that is slowly released. But the starch makes the banana difficult to digest. This is why ripe bananas are more recommendable in most cases.

A well-ripened banana contains 90% sucrose and only 7% starch. Sucrose also consists of glucose and fructose molecules. The ripe fruit can be digested more easily and quickly, and the insulin response is better.

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