Put Your Feet Up!

Literally putting your feet up once a day is not only beneficial for blood circulation.

Put your feet up!

The legs high place indeed also means to have a good time and relax. So if you put your legs up regularly , this not only has advantages for your body, but also for your mind.

Our legs carry us

Have you ever thought about what your legs can do for you?

They carry you from A to B every day  – and that too with all your (excess) weight, heavy shopping bags and luggage.  They are also shock absorbers, a means of transport – and small technical miracles.

The venous valves and the so-called “venous pump” are located in them so that the blood in your legs does not follow gravity and collect in your feet. They ensure that the blood from the legs comes back to the heart.

And if you have “heavy legs”, it is usually less due to the blood. it is due  to lymph, tissue fluid that swells your legs and makes them feel “heavy”.


Put your feet up!

Today we would like to show you various reasons why it is good to put your feet up for a quarter of an hour or a little longer every day.

This does not mean to put your legs on a stool in front of the TV or to sit up on a chair at work. You should really put it “high” by stretching it straight up and at right angles to your body.

To do this, lie down on the carpet or on your bed, sofa or even the yoga mat. Then move close to the wall, door, closet, or other vertical surface and place your two stretched out upwards against it.

When you get up again, do it slowly so as not to overwhelm your circulation!

Your back is straight and your head is in line with your spine. Stay like this for at least a quarter of an hour and enjoy the following benefits.


Raising your legs every day is useful if you tend to store water in your lower extremities.

You will feel that the feeling of heaviness subsides after the first few minutes.

In addition, you can carefully massage the back of your knees and the groin area towards the heart. In this way you support the drainage of the accumulated lymph.

Get in the habit of lying down for 15 minutes every night when you get home. For example, while reading the mail that was in the mailbox.


Relaxes the stomach

In the pose, your abdominal wall relaxes and your stomach should feel soft and relaxed.

If you suffer from digestive problems, you can also massage your stomach well in this position and thus further support relaxation. This is particularly helpful for flatulence and constipation.

Relaxes the lumbar spine

Especially when you sit long and incorrectly, you put unhealthy strain on your lower back. This can lead to back pain, which you can also prevent. Therefore, you should lie on your back for a quarter of an hour every day with your legs up high.

This position relaxes the lumbar spine area. If you have a hollow back, it now lies relaxed on the surface and the muscles have a rest.


Relaxes the mind

Giving yourself 15 minutes of time out every day also relaxes the mind. If you get into the habit of putting your feet up every time you come home from work, you can take the stress out of the day.

Lying on your back, you can read the mail in a relaxed manner. You can also read your first e-mails on your smartphone, think about dinner or call someone waiting for your call.

Do this at the time of your day when it is time for all of this!

Changes the perspective

When you have found your position on the ground, you will see the world from a different angle. This time out really changes the perspective !

Resentment that you previously harbored fades, violent anger fades. You have time to literally look at things from a different perspective.

Maybe when you get up again, it is time to apologize or end an argument?

Or maybe you got the brilliant creative idea, the idea that you have been waiting for hours for? The physical “switching off” often brings the brain into full swing …

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