6 Tricks For A Healthy Memory

Many people mostly concentrate on taking care of their bodies. In doing so, however, they often forget the mind. We should also try to keep our memories healthy.

6 tricks for a healthy memory

To maintain a healthy memory, you should watch out for proper rest . It is also important to lead a healthy emotional life.

Our ability to remember deteriorates with age . But have you ever wondered how actors and writers manage to pursue such a long professional career?

These jobs require good memory and cognitive skills. The same applies to other professions, such as waiters or housekeepers. These are just a few examples of professions in which many things are going on in the head at the same time .

This shows that your behavior has a huge impact on your memory. Memory isn’t just influenced by genetics. Hence, you can actually help maintain a healthy memory.

This is how you can keep your memory healthy

In the following, we will introduce you to 6 tricks that can help you maintain a healthy memory.

1. Learn something new every day

A healthy memory is more difficult to retain with age

Before cell phones existed, each of us knew at least 10 phone numbers by heart. Today, remember we are hardly on our own. But what if someone stole your phone in the middle of the day? Would you know who to call

A simple exercise and a good start is to remember the phone numbers of specific contacts.

If you have a little more free time, you can use this time to learn something new. How about a new language? But maybe you just want to learn a new recipe? The accumulation of knowledge is required to master any discipline.

2. Proper recovery

We humans do so many things every day that we need to take a good rest. To function properly, we need to have a clear head. The brain needs energy, which means that we have to recharge it even after we have used up everything.

You should therefore try to get at least 8 hours of sleep a night. At the same time, try to take a 20-minute nap a day.

You will see the difference in your performance. You will also feel well rested if you incorporate this habit into your daily routine.

In addition to improving your performance, you may also find that you have a much more positive attitude towards other tasks . This in turn promotes relaxation and thus the ability to remember and recall new things.

3. Eat a good diet

Eat nuts for a healthy memory

This is related to the above. Because you get the energy you need for your daily tasks from the food you eat and the liquids you drink.

Therefore, you should spend some time planning your meals to ensure good nutrition.

If you want to improve your mental abilities, the best thing to do is to increase your intake of fatty acids like omega-3s. The following products are rich in healthy fatty acids:

  • olive oil
  • Coconut oil
  • Dried fruits and nuts
  • salmon
  • Sardines
  • tuna

4. Hang out with your friends

It is also important to reduce stress levels in order to maintain a healthy memory. Socializing is one of the best ways to relax and clear your mind.

This way you won’t feel lonely and it will help you switch off and relax at the same time.

Also, keep in mind that people who feel alone tend to maintain their vigilance. That way, they focus more on being vigilant rather than learning new things.

5. Reading and TV shows for a healthy memory

Reading is good for our memories

Chasing after something that interests, excites, or pleases you is also a great way to keep your mind in shape. Fiction has many advantages, and this is one of them.

When you follow the plot of a book, you keep a number of dates in mind. The same goes for TV shows and franchises.

Think, for example, of titles like Game of Thrones , The Lord of the Rings, or Hundred Years of Solitude. The actions require that you train your brain with all of the information that you are bombarded with. At the same time, it is also a pleasant activity.

6. Do a creative job

When we talk about creativity, we usually think of things like writing or painting. However, you also need creativity for cooking, dancing, sewing, and many other activities.

The most important thing is to give your all and your mind will do the rest.

To invent something, you have to combine familiar elements in an original way. Usually, the more cultured you are, the greater your creativity.

In addition, these hobbies will help you find some time and space for yourself.

This way you can listen to yourself and see what is going on inside you. In this way you can determine if something is bothering you and then improve the situation accordingly, or at least try to.

In conclusion, we can summarize all of these tricks in two words: energy and learning. You can keep your wits about you and good memory as you try to learn new things and recharge your batteries.

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