5 Reasons To Eat More Melon!

Because it is rich in water, the melon has a diuretic effect and thus helps to detoxify the organism and at the same time to supply us with many minerals and vitamins

5 reasons to eat more melon!

There are many different types of melon: sugar melon, Galia melon, honeydew melon, cantaloupe melon, watermelon … All of them are tasty and refreshing and are full of important nutrients. Find out today why you should eat more melon  too  !

We enjoy them at the time of the year when we need them most: in summer, because they are perfect there to provide us with water. They can be used to mix great smoothies or prepare salads with that certain something.

And now there are some people who wonder: Do melons make me fat? Don’t they have too much sugar? Could it be that my digestion will then be more difficult?

Do not worry. We will take away all your doubts with this article and encourage you to consume more melon .

1. Melon doesn’t make you fat

You can easily eat a few slices of melon without worrying about gaining weight. You just have to pay attention to a varied, balanced and low-fat diet. 

100 grams of melon provide around 34 calories. The melon is low in fat and very nutritious. Because of this, there are many people who follow diets with melon as the main ingredient.

However, we point out that this is too one-sided and therefore not healthy. Diets that only include melon in the form of juices or salads for a day or two are not advisable.

2. Melon protects the heart

eat more melon

If you have high blood pressure or high cholesterol, add melon to your diet. It is rich in lycopene. This is a vegetable dye that supports heart health and promotes our blood circulation.

It’s enough to include 150 grams of melon a day in your diet. It’s best to eat them for breakfast. It is a fruit that ferments very quickly in the stomach, so it is better to avoid melon in the evening.

But every organism is different. There are people who prefer to eat melon in the evening, as it acts like a light sedative, here everyone has to make the decision for themselves.

3. Melon strengthens the immune system

The melon is a good source of flavonoids, minerals and essential vitamins that help us fight many diseases.

Another important and interesting active ingredient is citrulline, which the body needs to produce arginine. This is one of the main amino acids that is very important for our metabolism and our immune system.

4. Melon is good for the skin

If you eat more melon, you can also do something for your beauty!

This fruit contains over 80% water, which hydrates your skin.  Just enjoy the delicious taste of this fruit!

It is also rich in antioxidants, vitamins A and C, calcium and magnesium … all of which help improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

It is also interesting to know that melon can prevent cramps during menstruation.

This is all thanks to the rich minerals, such as potassium and magnesium, which are very important for the transmission and generation of nerve impulses and for proper muscle activity.

5. Diuretic effect

Did you know that the melon is an excellent diuretic and mild laxative ?

If we consume it regularly, especially in the first few hours of the day, it helps us eliminate toxins and start the day with energy and a cleaner organism.

For example, you can prepare a detoxifying juice every morning . In the next part we will introduce you to the recipe! Don’t miss it.

More melon with this delicious recipe

Melon juice-500x309


  • 150 g melon of the desired variety
  • 10 dark grapes
  • Juice of half a lime
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)
  • 1 spoon of honey (25 g)
  • 3 fresh mint leaves
  • 2 ice cubes


  • knife
  • mortar
  • mixer
  • big glass

How is this detoxifying juice prepared?

  • It’s easy. Pick your favorite variety that is just right for maturity and cut it into pieces.
  • Now crush the fresh mint in a mortar. This is how their essential oils come out, which are excellent for the juice.
  • Add the juice of half a lime.
  • Wash the dark grapes well.
  • Now we put everything in the blender. The melon pieces, the squeezed mint, the grapes and the lime juice. Process all of the ingredients until you have a homogeneous drink. Then add the water and the spoon of honey.
    • The next step? Enjoy this melon juice in your favorite glass, ideally with a few ice cubes! It’s so delicious. More melon is worth it!

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