Sleep Problems? Avoid These 9 Things Before Going To Bed

However, the current lifestyle, the use of technological devices and other factors reduce the quality of sleep and can therefore lead to various health problems.

Trouble sleeping?  Avoid these 9 things before going to bed

Sufficient sleep and a good quality of sleep are crucial for physical and emotional health. After a restful night, you can start the day healthy again with new energy and strength. But how can you  avoid sleeping problems ?

However, current lifestyle, use of technological devices and other factors reduce the quality of sleep and therefore can lead to various health ailments.

To prevent sleep problems, there are 9 habits to avoid before going to bed.

Alcoholic drinks


The consumption of alcoholic beverages can cause tiredness, but still disturbs sleep. As soon as the organism starts metabolizing alcohol, the repairing sleep cycle is significantly reduced.

The next day you feel tired when you wake up and you have difficulty concentrating. Alcohol is also dehydrating, so you may wake up in the middle of the night because you need to go to the bathroom.

Electronic equipment

Various studies have shown that electronic devices have a negative impact on sleep quality.

The light from cell phones, computers, tablets or TVs  can interrupt sleep and prevent melatonin – the sleep hormone – from being produced.

Experts therefore recommend keeping electronic devices out of the bedroom and avoiding their use for at least an hour before going to sleep.

Tablets and medicines


Taking pills or other medications can also cause sleep disorders. In this case, it is advisable to consult the attending physician whether there are alternatives that do not affect sleep.

For example, antidepressants can affect sleep in a number of ways. Sleeping pills can, in turn, be addictive, which also affects sleep.

Headache medication can cause stomach upset, which in turn can disrupt sleep.

Spicy and fatty foods cause sleep problems

Eating spicy or fatty foods in the evening can also affect sleep, as it can cause stomach acid or other stomach problems at night.

It is therefore recommended to avoid these foods in the evening and prefer light meals. Dinner should be eaten about two hours before going to bed to allow enough time for digestion.

Tea or coffee in the evening

Both tea and coffee have a stimulating effect due to the caffeine they contain and can therefore lead to sleep disorders. Incidentally, these drinks are also dehydrating and can therefore interrupt sleep by going to the toilet.



While smokers have asserted that this habit is relaxing, nicotine is a stimulant that can cause insomnia. This applies to all types of tobacco, nicotine patches, pipes, etc. 

Excessive training

In the evening, many have the best time for training and sport. This is very healthy, but if  you overdo it, you can also negatively affect the quality of sleep. 

Talking about problems causes sleep problems

Problems and worries are better discussed in the morning, after a good night’s sleep. In the evening, stressful situations and problems can keep you awake and make it difficult to fall asleep – everyone has already experienced that.

Stress and overstimulation before sleep can lead to insomnia or parasomnia.

Work late into the night

sleep badly

Often there is nothing left but to do various commitments late in the evening. However, this should not become a habit, as this can lead to sleep problems, feelings of anxiety, nervousness and difficulty concentrating.

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