Nail Fungus Could Be Treated With Turmeric

The healing properties of turmeric root are also very effective against nail fungus. At the same time, it can strengthen the nails.

Nail fungus could be treated with turmeric

Nail fungus, known as onychomycosis in technical terms, can appear on both figernails and feet. Can you treat it with turmeric ?

It is an infection caused by dermatophytes or yeasts,  which spread particularly quickly in a warm and humid environment.

Nail fungus is a very common disease,  almost everyone will get it at some point in life,  but there are many ways to prevent it.

Most of the time it is not a serious health problem, but it can weaken, break, or even lose the nail.

In addition,  pain can arise when certain shoes are worn. In the course of the infection, the nails take on an unsightly yellowish color.

However, treatment with antifungal agents is simple. Today we explain how you can treat nail fungus with turmeric. The remedy is easy to make and very effective.

Read on to find out more!

Treat nail fungus with turmeric

Feet nail fungus

Turmeric is a root in the ginger family, also known as turmeric or, incorrectly, saffron root.

This root has long been valued for its nutrients and health-promoting properties. It can be used internally as well as externally to promote wellbeing.

Turmeric is also used as a coloring and a spice for a wide variety of dishes. This yellow root also forms the basis for various home remedies.

This is due to their strong analgesic, antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties due bringing relief from various ailments.

Why Treat Nail Fungus With Turmeric?


The turmeric root has also proven to be very effective against nail fungus. With it you can not only fight the causative microorganisms, but also strengthen the weakened and yellowed nails again.

  • The most important component of this yellow root is curcumin,  which has an antibacterial and antifungal effect  and thus stops the growth of the yeasts and dermatophytes that cause this disease.
  • At the same time, the nails and cuticles are nourished, which strengthens them and prevents breakage.
  • Turmeric also contains vitamins, antioxidants and minerals and thus protects the nails from external influences.


Turmeric nail fungus

In order to intensify the effect of the turmeric root, we mixed it with coconut oil in our recipe today.

Coconut oil also has an antibacterial and antifungal effect. Since it is absorbed by the nail, it can then inhibit  the growth of the fungi. 

The essential fatty acids and antioxidants contained therein  provide the nails and cuticles with moisture at the same time,  thus preventing the nails from drying out and becoming brittle.


  • 3 tablespoons of organic coconut oil (45 g)
  • 3 tablespoons turmeric powder (30 g)


  • Lockable glass vessel


  • Melt the coconut oil in a water bath. It should be purely organic oil. Then mix with the turmeric powder.
  • As soon as a creamy paste is formed, then remove from the heat.
  • Let the cream cool down briefly and then store it in a glass jar.
  • Once this home remedy is set, you can use it to treat your nails.


  • Rub the home remedy on your fungal nails, then let it work for 30 to 40 minutes.
  • Then rinse with water.
  • If desired, you can then apply this mixture to other areas susceptible to fungus (e.g. soles of the feet).
  • Then repeat the treatment every day until you can use it to cure the nail fungus.

Do not forget…

To get the results you wantyou should be hygienic and wear breathable shoes at the same time.

Avoid moisture, as this will encourage the mushrooms to grow.

Clean your shoes and socks well, as these could infect you with the fungal infection again.

Do not share personal items with others:

  • Soap
  • Nail scissors
  • towel
  • nail polish
  • Nail file etc.

Don’t forget  to improve your diet as well, in order to then strengthen the immune system, which can fight off  fungi and bacteria better.

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