8 Recommended Exercises To Tone Your Body At Home

Tightening your body from home has the advantage that you can decide for yourself when to do your exercises. You just have to ensure enough self-discipline to overcome your weaker self

8 recommended exercises to tone your body at home

Fitness studios continue to multiply in the big cities. There are more and more in smaller towns. However, it is difficult for many to visit a studio regularly to tone their body .

Working hours are also becoming more and more flexible. This usually means knowing when to start, but not when to stop working. In some cases it is not even clear when to start.

For all these reasons, it is very difficult for many to go to a certain place regularly to do fitness there.

That is why there are more and more people who know the benefits of keeping fit at home. This option is not only cheaper. It also allows you to do your exercises without pressure or stress. 

When needed only his own will and a routine of efficient exercises that help to the body tight .

The trickiest part is even starting the exercises to tone the body at home. You don’t know exactly how to go about it. As soon as you seek advice from friends, the answers are often contradictory.

Since we are aware of all these difficulties, we have put together a series of exercises to help you achieve your goal. You don’t even need weights or other equipment for this.

You are already adequately equipped with a chair, a stool or a bed. So you can effectively tone all muscle groups in less than half an hour!

After just a month and a half you will notice significant improvements. All you have to do is do at least two exercises per week and repeat all exercises 25 times.

As you can see, our proposal is not particularly difficult to implement and you do not have to invest a lot of time.

How to tone the body at home

1. Warm up for 5 minutes

Make sure you don’t skip the warm-up. It is very important to avoid injury. In this way, the muscles can be prepared for greater loads right from the start. You will achieve more if you warm up well beforehand.

The best way to warm up is to run. If you don’t have enough space at home, you can also walk up and down the steps to the front door at a moderate speed.

Warming up is very important. In this way you prepare the lower part of your body for the upcoming exercises and at the same time you are still doing cardio.

2nd step for legs and bottom


If you don’t have suitable exercise equipment, you can also use a bench with a low seat height or a step. 

  • To begin the exercise, first step onto the bench with your dominant leg. Then repeat the exercise with the other leg. Go back down the same way.
  • Try to keep your spine as straight as possible while doing this, but avoid tension.
  • As soon as you step onto the platform or bench, set up the entire foot surface. This will make the exercise even more effective.

3. Thighs and buttocks

Tighten the gluteus

All you need for this exercise is a chair or bed and pillow.

  • Lie on your back (looking up), place your ankles on the chair and support your neck well with the pillow.
  • Put your hands on your chest and push your buttocks up as far as you can. 

4. More exercises for thighs and buttocks

This exercise is a continuation of the previous one.

  • Bring yourself in the opposite position and support yourself with your arms on the chair.
  • Lift one leg up behind you and then the other. The ideal is to do 25 repetitions, but it is best to listen to your body. Better not to exert yourself.

5. Tighten your calves at home

For this exercise, you will need a table that can support you. Support yourself with your hands on the table.

  • While standing on your toes with one leg, lift the other and bend it until you get a right angle.
  • Once you have completed 25 repetitions, do the exercise on the other leg.

6. Exercise for the thighs

This exercise is one of the easiest but most entertaining.

  • Open your legs and bring the full weight of your body first to one side and then to the other.
  • It’s more fun when you listen to your favorite music. Then it’s almost like a dance. Try it out and you’ll see.

7. Abdominal muscles

For this exercise you again need the chair to support yourself.

  • Lie on the floor and put your feet on the chair. Make sure they are well supported up to their knees.
  • Now bring your body up, but take good care of your spine. Always remember that you want the abs, not the neck, to do the work. If the opposite is the case, there is a high probability that damage will result.

8. More exercises for toned abs

  • Lie on your back and stretch your arms away from your body.
  • Bend your legs and try to pull your knees as close to your chest as possible. Then return to the starting position.
  • Once you get used to the exercise, try crossing your legs to work the obliques.

As we mentioned at the beginning, you only need half an hour of your time to do these 8 exercises. So you can easily tone your body from home.

Don’t get overwhelmed by your inner weaker self and do them regularly. For the rest of the day, try to imagine which figure you would most like to have. Think about how you would like to be.

In this way you send positive messages to your subconscious and manage to motivate yourself.

Don’t hesitate and try it out. Then tell us how you fared. We are waiting for you

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