8 Home Health Checks

Swollen ankles or knees can indicate fluid retention. In this case, it is best to drink more water and reduce your intake of salt and processed foods.

8 home health checks

Regular medical health checks are essential for our well-being. However, there are certain methods we can do at home to check our eyes, food tolerance, digestive system, etc., and to determine if a doctor’s visit is necessary.

Read on to learn what health check- ups you can do yourself.

Health checks: taste

For this test, you will need some blue dye that is applied to the tongue with cotton wool. Take a magnifying glass and count the taste buds on the tip of your tongue.

More than 20 buds indicate a good sense of taste, which is known as a supertaster, but it can also indicate an increased risk of cancer.

Vegetables such as broccoli, savoy cabbage and other types of cabbage contain bitter substances that help prevent cancer, which in turn can be unpleasant for a super taster.

The increased risk of cancer is due to an increased sensitivity and aversion to vegetable tastes. The intake of antioxidants and vitamins that protect against cancer is reduced.

Water retention

Natural prevention of water retention

Use your thumb to press 4 different parts of the upper body and legs to check for water retention. If the area remains light or whitish, there is fluid retention.

Swollen knees and ankles are also a key indicator. Reduce your salt intake, avoid processed foods, and increase your water intake.


Iron deficiency can cause anemia, among other things. Extend one hand palm up, then bend your fingers down a little. If, after a few minutes, the lower hand lines in particular appear pale, anemia may exist.

In this case, a doctor should then be consulted to have an examination carried out. As a preventive measure, red meat and leafy greens should not be missing in the diet.

Food intolerance

Sodium bicarbonate

Take a glass of water with a spoonful of baking soda. If the belching occurs immediately, there is no need to worry.

An alkali such as B. baking soda, in an acidic environment like the stomach, causes gases that have to be excreted. If the belching does not occur, the acid value may be too low, so that not all nutrients can be properly absorbed.


To test visibility, move 20 paces away from a car. Look at the car sign. Can the characters still be read? In the event of a distortion or other abnormality, it would then be advisable to consult an ophthalmologist.


Examine the skin around the eyes to see high cholesterol levels. Are there any yellowish spots or excesses? These are fatty deposits that can indicate high cholesterol levels.

A medical blood test can then be informative. These fat deposits usually appear with a prolonged elevated cholesterol level.

Digestive system

Lactose intolerance

After ingesting a certain food, we often feel an immediate feeling of fullness, a bloated stomach and a feeling of heaviness. Do the following test to check for food intolerance:

Test your heart rate before and then after ingesting a suspicious food. If the pulse has increased by more than 10 beats per minute, a doctor should be consulted.

Lung function

Take the following test to test your lung function. Stand 12 inches from a candle, open your mouth, then exhale forcefully. Is there a strange noise to be heard?

This can indicate asthma, especially if you have coughing fits at night. If these symptoms are absent, but the lung elasticity is poor, then you should take some time to exercise to keep yourself fit.

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