7-day Plan Against Water Retention

This plan is suitable for the beginning of the warm season or when there is an increased accumulation of water retention in our organism and is also recommended as a preventive measure, especially at the beginning of the warm season. to prevent. Anyone who already suffers from water retention can do it at any time.

7-day plan for water retention

Water retention leads to weight gain, swelling of the body, and discomfort. A special diet can help drain or prevent the fluids. So that it doesn’t get that far in the first place, we have a  7-day water retention plan for you.

Not only is this plan effective against water retention , but you won’t feel lighter, fitter, or discomfort. 

What are water retention?

What to do about water retention

On the one hand, water retention or edema can have pathological causes. But they can also only occur temporarily. The causes are, for example, summer heat when water escapes from the blood vessel or lymphatic system and accumulates in the surrounding tissue.

In the case of pathological causes, there could be a connection with circulatory disorders or complaints of the cardiovascular system, liver or kidneys. In this case, you should definitely see a doctor. This is the only way to ensure correct diagnosis and treatment.

Symptoms include sudden weight gain or swelling of certain areas of the body, such as the waist, legs, or ankles for no reason.

Even if weight gain is not always caused by water retention, edema is very common if you are overweight.

The 7-day plan for water retention

With this plan, you can see positive results in as little as a week. However, you should also change your daily  habits  to prevent further edema afterwards.

Because anyone can carry out a plan at any time. It promotes purification and improves kidney and liver functions. In addition, the 7-day plan against water retention is recommended, especially before the hot summer months.

Before you start, you should see a doctor. This is especially important if you have an illness and need to take medication.

Basic rules

These tips are important basic rules that you should adhere to during the 7 days:

  • First, you should completely avoid table salt. Replace it with small amounts of sea salt, Himalayan salt, or sea water.
  • You should also avoid salty products such as pretzel sticks, bread, salted nuts, etc.
  • Refine your dishes with natural spices (cayenne pepper, curry, paprika etc.), vinegar, lemon juice, herbs (basil, oregano, thyme etc.).
  • In addition, avoid sugar and sugary foods as much as possible, as they could cause addiction and make sticking to the plan more difficult.

For breakfast

Breakfast against water retention

Start the day by taking 2 glasses of water (warm or lukewarm) with the juice of 1/2 lemon. In this way you can activate the metabolism and body functions.

After 20 minutes you prepare and drink the following drink:


  • Celery (1 perennial)
  • 1 pear
  • 1 slice of fresh pineapple
  • 1/2 cucumber
  • some fresh ginger or ginger powder
  • 15 g of extra virgin coconut oil
  • 200 ml of oat milk


Process all ingredients into a juice and drink in sips.

If you get hungry later in the morning, you can have 1 slice of bread with avocado and 1 cup of green tea.

At lunchtime

You have various possible combinations for lunch:


  • Cold vegetable soup (gazpacho) or homemade vegetable juice
  • Vegetable cream or salad

main course

  • flesh
  • fish
  • legumes
  • egg

* These dishes can be served with whole grain rice as a side dish.


  • Apple compote
  • Fresh pineapple
  • Agar gelatin

In the afternoon

Cup horsetail tea water retention

Horsetail has detoxifying and mineralizing properties. Drink 1 cup of tea in the afternoon to make your goal easier.

If you feel hungry, a yogurt with nuts, some fruit or something similar can cover the need.

For dinner

Dinner should be rather sparse and you should eat it as early as possible. Choose from the following options:


  • Cold vegetable soup (gazpacho) or vegetable juice
  • Soup
  • Vegetable cream
  • salad

main course

  • fish
  • egg
  • avocado
  • Low-salt cream cheese

* All dishes can be served with some whole grain rice or bread.


  • Apple
  • pear
  • 1 handful of nuts

If you haven’t fully achieved your goal after 1 week, don’t panic. You  can easily incorporate some of these tips into your daily diet.

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