3 Tips Against Sinusitis

Most of the time, the cause is a cold: the nasal mucous membranes are swollen, nasal breathing is impeded and the sinuses are no longer adequately ventilated.

3 tips against sinusitis

Sinusitis is considered by many to be a disease that can only hit us in winter. Unfortunately this is not the case, sinusitis can “catch” you all year round. It’s good to know a few tips against sinusitis !

Sinusitis? Never heard?

Sinusitis is the shorter medical term for “sinus infection”. It can be triggered by viruses or bacteria.

The paranasal sinuses include the maxillary sinuses, frontal sinuses, ethmoid cells, and the sphenoid sinus.

Not all sinuses are always affected; the sooner you do something about the inflammation, the greater the chance that not all sinuses will become inflamed.

Mostly a runny nose is the cause: the nasal mucous membranes are swollen, nasal breathing is impeded and the sinuses are no longer adequately ventilated.

Bacteria that are in the sinuses due to the infection then feel really good and can grow unhindered.

Dry, cold air in winter or from the air conditioning system also promotes infection, as the mucous membranes dry out and therefore have only a few defenses. So it is important to protect the nasal mucosa in advance!

Tips against sinusitis

It is important to prevent a cold virus infection, because in most cases this results in sinusitis.

The nasal mucous membrane is able to fight off pathogens.

To do this, it must be well moistened. If it is too dry because you work in air-conditioned rooms or in winter the air is dry due to heating inside and cold outside, then make sure that your nasal mucosa is always fit to fight off harmful viruses and bacteria!

So it is always important to keep the nasal mucosa moist. There are sea water nasal sprays and nasal oils that keep your nasal mucosa healthy and resistant.

Nasal showers can also be used as a preventative measure to prevent the cold from developing in the first place or to prevent it from turning into sinusitis!

Basically, you should also consider whether the air conditioning really has to be used in summer, and in winter you should ensure that the air inside is adequately humidified. But what helps if it is too late and the sinusitis is already there?

Tips against sinusitis: inhalation

Always make sure that your nose is clear and that the mucus can drain off. Inhalation with liberating essential oils such as eucalyptus, peppermint or menthol helps.

You don’t need a special inhaler, a large bowl or a large saucepan to do this. Fill the container with boiling water, dribble the essential oil on the water, hold your head over the pot and assist the inhalation with a towel that you hang over your head and pot.

Caution: Some essential oils can irritate the eyes, so breathe deeply through your nose with your eyes closed! If the above-mentioned essential oils are too strong for you, you can also inhale with very strong chamomile tea. Chamomile has anti-inflammatory properties.

Nasal douche

The use of nasal showers is also very effective .

You can get this in the drugstore or pharmacy. They are made from cheap plastic or from durable ceramic.

The latter have the advantage that they last longer and can be washed very hot, for example in the dishwasher.

You don’t need any special additives for the nasal douche, normal sea ​​salt from your kitchen cupboard is enough!

To do this, dissolve a teaspoon of salt in 500ml of warm water. The water should ideally be at body temperature. Now use the nasal douche the same number of times on each side according to the instructions to make it easier for secretions and mucus to drain off.

Of course, this only works well if you have previously made your nasal mucous membrane swell with menthol-containing nasal spray, inhalation or decongestant nasal spray.

If you don’t have a nasal douche or don’t want to buy it, you can carefully pull the saline solution up from a beaker into your nostril and then push it out again by snorting vigorously over a sink.

Repeat with each nostril and, regardless of whether you use a nasal douche or a mug, make sure that the water does not run down your throat!

Tips against sinusitis: drink

In order for the mucus to remain flowable, you need to make sure that it is moist enough and that the body has enough fluid available to allow the mucus to drain off. Drinking a lot is therefore important in any case!

It is also good to rest your head a little higher than usual to sleep so that the mucus can drain off more easily at night.

Herbal teas with expectorant properties such as thyme, peppermint and sage are recommended as drinks.

Hot spices also help drain stubborn mucus. So if you have sinusitis, like to season your dishes spicy with chilli, pepper and raw onions! Do not forget to always drink enough, otherwise even the best home remedies are of no use!

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