12 Old Beauty Tricks That Still Work

Did you know that using lemon juice and sunlight to lighten your hair naturally?

12 old beauty tricks that still work

There are a few old beauty tricks that are still powerful and timely, even though they were invented hundreds of years ago!

Here we show you 12 old beauty tricks that will make you shine.

Centuries-old beauty tricks make you shine

1. Olive oil

For centuries, olive oil has also been known as “golden oil”. This is not only due to its color, but also because it has many valuable properties. For example, olive oil is a great moisturizer. So it’s no wonder it’s used in lotions and shampoos.

  • Olive oil-based products are great for smoothing skin and strengthening hair.

2. baths

old beauty tricks relax

A good bath ensures pure relaxation. Basically, when you feel good, you look much more beautiful and radiant. Baths used to be a popular pastime for rich women.

  • If you alternately enjoy hot and cold baths, you will also get your circulation going.

3. Aromatherapy

A massage with essential oils lets your body really relax. It’s good for your skin and makes you feel beautiful.

  • Pamper yourself with an oil massage. It ensures silky skin.

4. Peeling

old beauty tricks make skin beautiful

Instead of an artificial peeling product, just use a rough cloth. In this way you avoid skin irritation and give your skin a radiant look.

  • You can get the same effect with a rough washcloth as with an exfoliating cream, but you don’t need to buy cosmetic products.

5. Shaving with sugar

A shaving cream can be easily made from sugar. Not only do you avoid artificial cosmetic products, your skin also stays soft and tender longer.

6. Lotion made from rose petals and cream

old beauty tricks pamper the skin

To really pamper your skin, treat yourself to a lotion made from rose petals and cream. The rose petals smell seductive, while the cream makes your skin wonderfully soft.

7. Skin care with honey

Honey is perfect for keeping the skin soft and youthful. It also helps with cellulite. So what could be better than an anti-cellulite massage with honey?

  • Massage the honey into the affected areas of the skin by hand. You will find that the skin becomes tender and the cellulite is reduced.

8. Henna

old beauty tricks take care of the hair

Hair care with henna ensures healthy and strong hair. If you use coloring henna, you can also conjure up a bright red shine in your hair. Either way, henna makes your hair soft and silky.

9. Hair mask with egg yolk

A hair mask gives your hair back the moisture that is removed from it by washing and blow-drying in everyday life. If you use egg yolks as a hair mask, it will make your hair stronger and shinier.

10. White cabbage

Old beauty tricks relieve pain

For centuries, cabbage leaves have been used by breastfeeding women.

  • Cabbage has anti-inflammatory properties and relieves pain. Therefore, cabbage leaves can be placed directly on the sore chest if breastfeeding causes inflammation of the nipples.

11. Lemon juice

You can naturally lighten your hair with lemon juice and sunlight.

Before there were artificial hair dyes, women used lemon juice to lighten their hair. To do this, put a little lemon juice on your hair and then sit in the sun for some time. Try it yourself!

12. Clay skin mask

old beauty tricks care for your skin

Skin masks with clay have always been used for skin care. Clay not only ensures beautiful skin and combats cellulite, it also strengthens the hair.

Clay masks are especially useful if you have oily skin. There are different types of clay for all skin types.

  • White clay is suitable for dry skin. For oily skin, we recommend green clay. People with sensitive skin are well advised to use red clay.
  • Before you apply a clay mask, you should always cleanse your skin thoroughly.
  • Remove makeup and wash your face with plenty of fresh water.
  • Dry your face well, then apply the mask.

We have introduced you to 12 old beauty tricks with which you can pamper yourself from head to toe. Rely on the centuries-old knowledge of our ancestors and try them out!

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