12 Foods To Strengthen The Liver

Protect your liver with these foods and avoid alcohol and nicotine!

12 foods to strengthen the liver

The liver is the second largest organ in the human body and is of the utmost importance for general health. It is responsible for breaking down toxins and for various metabolic functions.

In today’s post, you’ll find all you need to know about the best foods to keep your liver and overall health safe.

The importance of the liver


This organ takes on a wide variety of vital tasks and should therefore be protected and cared for accordingly.

As already mentioned,  the liver is responsible, among other things, for breaking down toxins through biotransformation.

However, when this organ is overloaded, it can no longer perform its functions correctly. This can lead to various ailments or diseases.

The liver also produces bile, which is important for the detoxification process and helps break down fat and proteins.

If the liver functions are not exercised properly  , toxins cannot be broken down properly and nutrients cannot be properly absorbed.

The eyes, brain, heart, and kidneys depend on liver functions. This organ is also important for excreting alcohol or drug residues, for example.

In addition, old blood cells are broken down in the liver by converting hemoglobin to bilirubin. The liver also stores sugar, minerals and vitamins. This organ is vital!

Foods to improve liver function

A healthy diet supports efficient detoxification and fat breakdown by the liver.

The first symptoms of a weakened or diseased liver are:

  • a headache
  • Weight gain
  • Bad breath
  • exhaustion
  • Allergies
  • Food intolerance

In order to prevent these complaints, we recommend the following foods:



Garlic contains numerous health-promoting active ingredients, for example sulfur compounds, allicin and selenium, which activate liver enzymes and promote the detoxification process.


The grapefruit is rich in vitamin C as well as antioxidants. Both are necessary for liver cleansing.

This type of fruit stimulates enzyme production and then supports  fat burning.


This legume contains the amino acid arginine, which also improves liver functions. This makes it easier to remove ammonia, a toxic substance that can lead to neurological problems (e.g. confusion) and fatigue.

Cruciferous vegetables

The cruciferous family includes, for example, broccoli, savoy cabbage, Brussels sprouts and red cabbage.

They have powerful liver cleansing properties because they contain chemicals that also neutralize toxins.

Smokers should increase their consumption of cruciferous vegetables in order to get rid of nitrosamines contained in tobacco.

Green tea

Green tea

The effective antioxidant properties of green tea are already well known. Fat that accumulates in the liver is eliminated and thus the liver functions are improved.

Green tea is perfect for losing weight as well as avoiding damage caused by toxins.


Tomatoes not only taste great. They are characterized by a high water content and glutathione, a tripeptide that has a detoxifying effect.

The lycopene contained in tomatoes also protects against skin cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer and liver cancer.

Leafy vegetables

Rocket, spinach and Swiss chard should not be missing from this list. Include them in your diet regularly!

They have cleansing properties that neutralize the effects of heavy metals. It also stimulates the formation of bile. This can promote the elimination of pesticides and herbicides from the body.

Other less common types of leafy vegetables are beetroot leaves, mustard leaves and chicory.


The lemon shouldn’t be missing in your kitchen either. It is characterized by numerous health-promoting properties. Among other things , it also supports liver cleansing. 

Lemon water in the morning on an empty stomach stimulates the production of bile, the intestinal activity and thus the emptying of the intestines and stomach.


This delicious fruit from America promotes liver health by protecting against toxins absorbed through diet.

One avocado a week can help the liver regenerate. Use avocado cream instead of mayonnaise or prepare starters and guacamole with this delicious fruit.



Turmeric is a spice with a peculiar taste and aroma. This yellow root helps the liver with its detoxification functions and is then recommended as a preventive measure against cancer.

Season salads, pasta dishes, soups or stews generously with turmeric!


Walnuts contain arginine, glutathione and omega-3 fatty acids. The latter are among the so-called good fatty acids.

Walnuts help detoxify the liver and protect against diseases caused by ammonia. The blood receives oxygen and they improve liver functions.


The beetroot is a very powerful blood purifier and has the ability to absorb heavy metals that get into the organism through diet or the air.

When you eat beetroot and carrots in a salad, you are doubling the properties of this vegetable because both contain beta-carotene and flavonoids, which have healing properties.

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