11 Home Remedies That Could Help Against Bloating

Movement not only improves your physical condition, it also stimulates bowel movements and prevents constipation. Liquid deposits can also be drained with it. You will also lose weight more easily with enough physical activity.

11 home remedies that could help against bloating

Regardless of our body size, the stomach can occasionally bloat and make us fat. In this post you will find various home remedies that can work great against  bloating.

A distended abdomen may indicate a accumulation of gases on to sumptuous food as well as in various diseases be due.

Reduce salt consumption

Too much salt leads to fluid retention  and then often to a bloated stomach. Salt is found almost everywhere, especially in ready meals and fast food large amounts of this condiment can be found. Don’t forget: Salt is an enemy of our organism.

Drink more water


Plenty of water is necessary to supply the body with fluids and also to prevent fluid retention. Experts recommend at least 2 liters of water a day to  prevent constipation, which can also cause flatulence.

Eat slowly

It is important to take time to eat and to chew the food well. This good habit makes digestion easier and thus also prevents flatulence. In addition  , with good chewing, the feeling of satiety is greater, which prevents constant eating.

Avoid carbonated soft drinks

carbonated drinks

Carbonated soft drinks also lead to the build-up of gases in the body and then, consequently, a bloated stomach and feeling of fullness.

Eat more fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are among the healthiest foods and should therefore never be missing. They are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, which are essential for a healthy organism.

They also improve digestion, prevent water retention, help with fat loss and also against flatulence. Carrots, oranges, melons and peaches are recommended.

Avoid foods that cause gas

Some foods contain important nutrients, but  can lead to annoying gas. For example, beans, peas, lentils, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, onions and peppers.

Avoid fried foods

French fries

Fried foods are slow to digest and can lead to abdominal distension. The high fat and salt content not only increases weight, but can also result in water retention.

Eat small portions

To avoid bloating, it is advisable to eat small portions several times a day. These can then be digested more easily and do not inflate the stomach.

Moderate consumption of fiber


Dietary fiber ensures good digestion and thus prevents constipation. Experts recommend high-fiber foods for a bloated stomach, in order to lose weight and also for a faster feeling of satiety.

However, this should not be overdone, as this can lead to abdominal distension.

Movement against bloated stomach

Exercise is the best way to keep your stomach fit and improve your general condition. Exercise can improve digestive function, prevent constipation and reduce water retention.

Losing weight is also easier with sufficient exercise and general well-being and quality of life improve. For a flatter stomach, special exercises can be done in this area.

Flatulence-reducing juices


Various natural juices can help against bloating and also ensure a beautiful figure and firm skin.

green smoothie

This delicious drink improves digestive functions,  helps clear pollutants and residues, and makes for a flatter stomach.


  • 1 avocado
  • 1 handful of spinach leaves
  • a ripe banana
  • 1 glass of apple juice
  • honey


Process all ingredients into juice in a blender or blender.

Papaya and oat shake

This delicious shake combines the excellent properties of papaya, flaxseed and oatmeal. It promotes digestion and also prevents flatulence.


  • 1 cup of sliced ​​papaya
  • 1 spoon of flaxseed
  • 2 cups of water
  • 2 spoons of raw oatmeal


Crush all ingredients with the blender for a few minutes and then drink preferably on an empty stomach.

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