10 Symptoms Of Heart Disease That Are Often Ignored

Heart disease makes itself felt – but many symptoms are ignored, as unfortunately too often

10 symptoms of heart disease that are often ignored

Today we’re talking about symptoms of heart disease.

“It won’t be anything” is the most common thought when we observe “minor” health problems in ourselves.

Basically it is good to always think positively, but some symptoms indicate serious problems with the heart and should be taken seriously. 

The heart

Our heart pumps many liters of blood through our body over and over again every day. Without our heart, our life would be over quickly.

However, we often do not notice in everyday life how important it is and what it does for us. It is simply there for us and does its job very well – blow by blow.

Only when it causes problems do we think of how important it is to us.

It is therefore really important  not to take some symptoms of heart disease lightly and to take our body seriously, because it wants to warn and communicate to us with these symptoms:

“Go to the doctor, get examined, I have a problem!”

So do not ignore the following symptoms of heart disease, this could be life-saving in case of doubt!

Illnesses can be behind dizziness

Heart disease symptoms


Women in particular are familiar with this: getting up too quickly, turning around too quickly in the heat, getting out of bed too quickly – and the world turns or it goes black before your eyes.

This condition is normal for some women because they have low blood pressure.

Anyone who does not have low blood pressure should urgently see a doctor if this symptom is the cause of the dizziness.

Because it means that there is not enough blood in the brain, which is why it cannot be properly supplied with oxygen!

Breathing problems

Does it get tight on your chest and you have the feeling that an elephant is lying on your upper body and you cannot breathe against the weight of the elephant?

Then call the emergency doctor very quickly, do not go to the hospital yourself! We have put together tips for you on how to survive a heart attack when you are alone: ​​What to do if you have a heart attack.

If you are constantly tired, it is better to consult a doctor


Tired despite getting enough sleep? Leading, severe tiredness early in the day? Falling to bed like a rock after a normal day?

Then something is wrong! Maybe it’s just a mineral deficiency, or maybe serious heart problems. No matter what it is, both must be clarified by the doctor!

Loss of appetite and nausea

You can’t be hungry. This is normal, especially when it’s hot in summer. But baseless loss of appetite, sometimes coupled with nausea, is always a sign of concern.

It doesn’t always have to be a heart problem, but often it is actually the case that one’s heart “beats on the stomach”.

Ask your doctor, he will help you further!

If you have heartache, it is better to see a doctor


Everyone immediately thinks of “heart pain” when it comes to heart problems. But a heart that is not working properly can cause pain in other parts of the body, such as the arms or back.

For example, if you have back pain for no reason and massage does not help, then a heart problem could radiate into your back, which you should definitely have a doctor clarify!

Always take good care of heart health

Cardiac arrhythmias

If your heart stumbles, skips briefly, suddenly beats faster, slower or stronger, then you have arrhythmia.

These can have different causes; your doctor should definitely do a long-term and stress EKG with you.

Only when he cannot find anything in the heart can you look for other causes: back problems, for example, sometimes cause cardiac arrhythmias.

shortness of breath

The stairs to your apartment suddenly seem longer, steeper and more strenuous than usual? Do you gasp and gasp at the slightest exertion?

Then something is really wrong with you and your heart! This has nothing to do with being “unfit”, but with heart problems. Off to the doctor with you!

Sweat can be a sign of heart disease


Excessive and baseless sweating, often combined with cold sweat, is a distress signal that your body sends out to urge you to see a doctor.

Sweat can “attack” you in any activity, often it even does it in your sleep, if you have no reason for sweat attacks and wake up bathed in your own sweat.

Go to the doctor and get examined, because night sweats are not normal!

Swollen feet can be a sign of heart disease

Water retention

If your heart is no longer able to perform well, water retention can occur. Your legs feel heavy, your ankles swell, and your blood circulation is no longer working as it should.

Always have unclear water accumulations clarified by your doctor, there may be a heart problem behind it!


“You look bad” is certainly not meant badly, but a serious indication that you should take better care of yourself and your health.

If your skin is pale, pale, and gray, it may be due to insufficient blood flow. And your heart is responsible for that. So it can also be one of the symptoms of heart disease.

Better get examined!

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